Bluetooth BLE support for I2C2PC-BLE and HM10,11,15.hideable to run in invisible or on tool-tray.view and change control lines(cts,rts, dcd etc).capture-restart, auto filenaming, data post-processing.timestamping capture files for simple data logging.
capture to file, set capture size or capture duration. special ascii+hex font to see hidden control chars. Full support for minimize,hide,iconize, tooltray can be used for serial I/O component of other programs via activeX. extensive command-line for batch files and INI files. full remote control through activeX/COM. Timestamps on pattern match or newlines. sync patterns with masks and xors, and display only match data. ansi/VT100 terminal or plain text or binary modes. colorised: rx and tx data are different colors. Global Hotkeys (system-wide) to send strings. Fullscreen, MiniTerminal, Screen Scaling. Binary viewed as hex, 8,16,32 bit,little/big endian, signed, unsigned, float. I2C Bus, SPI& 1-Wire chip control via BL233B / I2C2PC. Serial Ports, USB Serial and TCP/IP & Telnet.
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Capture Restart and autonaming for long logging.V3 Beta version under development (