If you think that’s hot, she’s also a ballerina and you know how handy that flexibility can be! The possibilities are endless…I can’t imagine how frustrating it must have been for those random strangers to not be able to completely grope her perfect little body. The eyes don’t lie and you can see the sheer delight on her face when a cum loaded cock pokes through the hole to be serviced. For those of you who are just tuning in, Claire is a nursing student who absolutely loves and worships cock. I’m actually looking forward to the day when a girl comes along that can top this flexible petite dynamo. Claire is currently the top rated girl on Gloryhole Swallow and she’s a very tough act to follow.

I know you guys have been waiting for Claire’s 2nd Visit to the Glory Hole for some time now and I didn’t want to torture you any longer. Description (Tags): GloryHole, Blowjob, Cum Swapping, Cum Swallow, All Sex.